We Are Christ’s Ambassadors — Part Two

“…a faithful ambassador brings health.” – Proverbs 13:17 (NKJV)

As ambassadors, our task is to represent Jesus. He is the one who said, ‘Go and preach the Gospel.’ This is important for us to note since we are not representing ourselves, a church, or a denomination. We are called to be workers together with Him and not for Him. We must never go without Jesus. As representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven, we must rely on the resources that will come from above.

Just as an ambassador sent from an earthly kingdom must have credentials, so must we who the King of kings sends. How can we prove who we are and why we are chosen? To be ambassadors of the heavenly Kingdom, we must:

  1. Be citizens of heaven – a new creation, redeemed by the blood of Jesus
  2. Be above reproach in every area of our lives
  3. Be prepared to ‘die’ daily, to live a selfless life, and to serve with humility.
  4. Be in daily contact with Jesus, pray and meditate on the Word of God, receive directions from the Holy Spirit
  5. Be compassionate servants who preach the message of reconciliation, only telling of Christ’s love for the world and their need for the Saviour
  6. Be preachers of the absolute TRUTH
  7. Be bold to tell of judgement and life after death

Jesus’ plans for us and the world to which we are sent are always good. Our daily relationship with Him must never be broken if we are to confidently tell of the HOPE and the FUTURE of eternal life that is prepared for us in heaven. We must always tell of the daily benefits we receive as servants of God. 

Let us crave the fruit of the Spirit every day as we interact with the people of our world. May we be good soldiers in the army of the Lord, wearing the armour of God as we fight the good fight of faith.


Thank You, Jesus, for shedding Your blood for the whole world. We are ever grateful for the sacrifice that You made. Help us to be willing to spread the Good News of Your love to our world. Help us to remember that we cannot represent You as we should if we don’t depend on You. Help us not to be like white-washed tombs but to be cleansed from sin on the inside, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read: Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 6:20

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 31:1-8; Mark 13:32-37; Mark 14:1-16; Leviticus 15; Leviticus 16

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